There is far more to office relocation than just printing and business cards.
Often the IT relocation is overlooked or badly planned at best. Having completed many office relocations
for clients, we know there's far more to it than just un-plugging the machines in one location and plugging
them in another.
Ensuring broadband service is migrated from site to site, and at the telephone lines and telephone numbers
where possible also smoothly migrated by BT, we also look after the installation of structured cabling and
take the hassle of relocating servers and workstations and all the other necessary bits and pieces such as
the right leads and the right boxes.
We employ great project managers experienced in IT relocation. They will liaise between you and the various
providers to ensure a smooth transfer of your business IT infrastructure. Whilst you're busy moving your
office and dealing with customer queries, we will be working in the background and removing all the
hassle, leaving you in your new office with everything working.
Hopefully with a little more space too!
Talk to us
about your office relocation today and we'll get the ball rolling for you.