Simply put, we believe this service is currently the most accurate
Anti-Spam product in the world.
InterScan Messaging Hosted Security. This product is both innovative & unique using
email reputation to locate senders of SPAM is the way forward. We have a product that is
99.99% accurate in that it doesn’t block legitimate email and captures almost all the
SPAM mail and prevents it from being sent to you.
Each user can log into a SPAM folder hosted online to check if they wish (if they
suspect an email has been blocked in error).
SPAM is becoming a huge problem and for a small annual fee we can eliminate it from
your inbox. This saves you time and prevents your internet connection from being slowed
down due to downloading unwanted SPAM.
It is a real-world solution for a global problem. We offer a 14 day free trial of this
service so please contact us today. You will be astounded at the results.
Why not contact us today for information
about the Anti Spam services we can provide.