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"From the outset we consistently found IT Authority to be efficient, co-operative, cost effective, professional and flexible in meeting the needs of the school. The support you have given us has been second to none, as has been the sensitive and flexible way you have worked within a school environment."

News Article:

15 Year Celebration

We're celebrating 15 years in business today with the launch of our YouTube channel www.itauthority.tv

Come join the party and subscribe!

Fifteen years ago today, our company was founded. Back then we started out as a one man band. I remember having to build my own PC to run the business from because I couldn't afford to buy one.

Now, were incorporated, our brand is growing along with the team of people dedicated to serve start-ups through to corporate. A journey we are familiar with through first hand experience.

To celebrate we launched a new resource for any business owner looking to leverage technology in the pursue of a healthy and competitive business.

We hope you will visit and subscribe, where you'll find new video's every Tuesday & Thursday giving you a view and explanations of technology tools aimed to help you run your business better.

I'd like to sign off by saying that without the help of many people, our staff, our suppliers and support from friends and family we would never have made it past 3 years. 15 seems unbelievable, but it has been, and will continue to be an exciting ride. Thanks to everyone especially our customers!

Author: Paul Howes

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