...but some should.
The cloud has been a buzz word for a while now and more and more of you have asked if you should move to the cloud or ‘transition to the cloud’
So this is a big subject and not one I can answer in a single blog post. More will follow and there will be a cloud section on the subject. However the answer to this question is it depends. Should all businesses move to the cloud? NO. Should most? maybe.
Sorry if I sound vague but this really isn’t a black or white subject.
Warning: If someone is calling you and telling you “every business needs to move to the cloud” or that “everyone is moving to the cloud and you can’t afford to be left behind” then they probably work in sales. Hang-up!
Consultancy firms can charge for moving your data or ‘Managing your transition’ and where there is transition there is usually commission.
So what elements need to be considered?
Well as a rough guide if the majority of your computer users are based in your office then you probably want your data local (in your office) rather than in the cloud. Now that is a huge generalisation and not the whole story.