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"IT Authority have looked after our network since 2001. During that time there proactive approach has kept my network running constantly. Any problems we have had have been sorted out quickly and efficiently."

News Article:

New Web Site launched

We've been working on promoting our business online and have discovered some handy tips

We've just launch a new web site and in doing so have begun a new marketing campaign looking at regional interest in our services.

As you may know, IT Authority is currently supporting businesses all over the UK mainland. Many of our clients operate from several locations (branch offices) and we have therefore found ourselves working across the country.
Almost everything we do we do remotely.

Our clients often wonder where they are calling and it would appear that many of them would prefer to call a local number.

In direct response to this we are in the process of rolling out multiple support numbers for multiple regions. An example of this is our Computer Support East Midlands web site with a 01476 (Grantham) area code number.

Early days yet but we’ll keep you posted as to home popular this becomes. As always we have our clients’ wishes at heart.

Author: Paul Howes

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