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"From the outset we consistently found IT Authority to be efficient, co-operative, cost effective, professional and flexible in meeting the needs of the school. The support you have given us has been second to none, as has been the sensitive and flexible way you have worked within a school environment."

News Article:

Internships for ITAuthority

We have begun working with Anglia Ruskin University to help us with our marketing. We have recently launched a new service (Anti-Spam) and whilst our existing clients are trying and buying the service,

we need to reach a wider audience. An intern just might be the answer.

The post graduate student will be working with us on our marketing plan for 12 weeks with particular attention to our anti-spam service.

In an interview today with BBC Essex 105.3FM we pointed out how this particular government scheme is helping small business with key skills for short periods whilst also giving the students valuable real-world experience.

Author: Paul Howes

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